“Pura Fé has developed a highly unusual style of weaving a fast-paced and complex, sinewy web of notes to follow and accent her extraordinarily dynamic vocal range . . . a unique and engagingly melodic tour de force.”
This late April 2007 day marked the nicest that New Yorkers had yet experienced in the year. Pura Fé and her accompanist, Danny Godinez, were rehearsing on a bench in Central Park, reveling in the deep luster of the Sunday afternoon sky. Anyone from Seattle knows not to take such days for granted, and Pura Fé, who had recently relocated there from North Carolina, was no exception. After practicing for a while and soaking in the sun and the smiles of New Yorkers beaming from its warmth, she and Danny gathered more equipment from their rooms in the Excelsior Hotel and walked across the street to the main entrance of the Museum of Natural History.