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We're not always hiding behind teetering stacks of paper. Join us at launch parties and art shows—at home and on the road!

Queer South Issue Launch

featuring Mandy Carter, Hooper Schultz, and Mab Segrest People have always told the story of the queer South. Still, both silenced and emerging stories remain to be told. In a region (and nation) where ideological battles over family life, gender, and sexual politics continue to unfold, the South is crucial terrain for doing meaning-making work, »

The Future of Textiles Issue Launch

featuring Natalie Chanin, Olivia Ware Terenzio, and Victor Lytvinenko In a moment when the textile industry is fueled by exploited overseas labor, toxic chemicals, and artificial intelligence over craft, we ask: what is the future of textiles? Guest edited by Natalie Chanin, this special issue of Southern Cultures asks how we might imagine a progressive way forward for textiles in the »

Snapshot: Climate Traveling Exhibit (All Dates)

Our fall Snapshot: Climate issue features more than 60 photographs and accompanying short reflections from artists, activists, photojournalists, and scientists to provide a “snapshot” look at climate impacts across the (global, Atlantic, gulf) South. With support from the Mellon Foundation and Carolina Public Humanities, 25 photographs from Snapshot: Climate will travel to galleries across the South over the next year. All »

Snapshot: Climate at the Center for the Study of Southern Culture

Presented with the University of MississippiOn view: January–February 7, 2024Exhibition opening: TBD Center for the Study of Southern Culture255 Grove LoopUniversity, MS The Snapshot: Climate issue features more than 60 photographs and accompanying short reflections from artists, activists, photojournalists, and scientists to provide a “snapshot” look at people’s lived experiences in this urgent moment. Twenty-five photographs from Snapshot: »